You can just about see the people at the top of the dome.
Castel Sant'Angelo - originally Hadrian's tomb, completed in 139AD, converted to a fortress by Aurelian in 271AD and update much since then. Seen from beside the Corridori running from St Peter's, part of the Roman city walls.
Looking back up the Corridori to St Peter's
The Corridori crossing the castle moat.
We are on the outer wall o fthe castle, looking at the part built as Hadian's tomb.
Inside the tomb, this ramp spirals up as a funerary way.
This chamber seems to have been where Hadrian's ashes were laid. There's an internal bridge (originally a drawbridge?) to cross it.
St Peter's from Castel Sant'Angelo
Guess what this is!
The half-domed chamber is the temple of Venus - we couldn't enter it.