27/8/03 12:46
The walks and national parks.
19/8/03 09:05
The station at Gällivare
19/8/03 09:35
Church at Gällivare
19/8/03 11:31
Starting the trip - the boat over from Kebnats to Saltoluokta. This is about two and a half hours from Gällivare, most of it up a dead-end road to Ritsem (which is 70km further, at one end of the Padjelantelenden).
19/8/03 13:24
View up to the hostel at Saltoluokta.
19/8/03 13:25
One of the Sámi goahtes at Saltoluokta. This one is used as a craft shop.
19/8/03 13:27
The "village green" at Saltoluokta with two old-type goahtes.
19/8/03 13:28
19/8/03 13:30
The Sámi church at Saltoluokta.
19/8/03 13:30
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19/8/03 13:34
19/8/03 13:35
19/8/03 13:59
19/8/03 14:21
On a walk up to Pietsaure (the village up by the lake about four miles away). This ant hill is about 5 feet high - that's my map for comparison.
19/8/03 14:42
On the walk up to Pietsaure.
19/8/03 14:49
Looking back down towards Saltoluokta.
19/8/03 15:05
The first reindeer of the trip
19/8/03 15:26
Peitsaure. Somewhere down there there's a cafe.
19/8/03 15:36
Above Pietsaure on the way back.
20/8/03 16:09
First day on the Kungsleden, walking down towards Sitojaure. Weather wasn't too good and I'd just found the GPS didn't work properly.
20/8/03 18:14
Cabin at Sitojaure
21/8/03 08:11
Ablutions were a little primitive!
21/8/03 09:17
I took the ferry up from Sitojaure into Sarek - took about half an hour and cost 250Kr (about £20). At this point the lake was very shallow and the ferryman had to pick his way through guided by the poles. Weather very wet! When I arrived there seemed no way of calling the ferry back - only way out is through.
21/8/03 10:12
This was just above Rinim at the start of the walk through Sarek.
21/8/03 11:38
View at the start of the walk along Basstavágge. The further stream is coming down from a glacier on Ähpár.
21/8/03 13:31
At the watershed of Basstavágge
21/8/03 14:14
Looking down from the watershed toward Alep Basstaskájdasj